This is a HUGE week for Blu-rays. You’d think there were some type of holiday coming up and they want you to spend money or something. Let’s take a look at all that’s going on. Christmas Story Buy on Amazon Can you believe it’s been thirty years since this movie debuted? Yeah, and oddly enough […]
Jamie Foxx
Review: White House Down
White House Down is one of those movies that makes you feel dumber every second you’re watching it and thanks to its two-hour plus run time, you’ll be back to a second grade reading level by the time the end credits mercifully arrive. After interviewing for a Secret Service position, Capitol policeman John Cale (Channing […]
Django Unchained
Django Unchained ranges from being brilliant, controversial, chaotic, overly talky, mind-numbingly long, and cartoonishly violent. Basically, it’s Director/Writer Quentin Tarantino at his best and worst. When he’s on, Tarantino’s southern western epic about a former slave, Django (Jamie Foxx), partnering with, a German bounty hunter, Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), is awesome. It’s original, lively, […]