The trailer for Christopher Nolan’s new film has landed online. The movie stars Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway and will air November 2014. As with anything Nolan there are bound to be a few loops and whirls and mindtwisters. The trailer is simple and emotional in the same way that Man of Steel […]
Anne Hathaway
Les Misérables
I’m not a big musical fan, but ever since Tom Hooper played Pied Piper on me with his cinematic rendition of Les Misérables, I can’t stop thinking about it or keep the songs out of my head and I’m likely not to be the only convert once it hits theaters. Hooper — who was last […]
The Night is Blu-est Before the Dawn – The Dark Knight Rises Blu-ray review
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES 2-DISC SPECIAL EDITION BLU-RAY Are all the Fwooshers out there sitting tight with their Collect-and-Connect Bat-signals completed and disputes regarding army building John Blake settled? That’s good, because The Dark Knight Rises is out on Blu-ray on December 4th and reviewed below! The Dark Knight Rises was pretty much the movie […]