Marvel released their first trailer for Thor 2 Dark World today and it looks fantastic! BIG! CINIMATIC! EXPLOSIVE! Jane Foster looks to have a central role in the film, even being spirited away to Asgard with Thor. Alan Taylor takes the director’s chair in this film, best known for his episodes on Deadwood, Mad Men and Game of Thrones, all dark stories or comedies. Alan will definitely bring a different flavor to the franchise than Kenneth Branagh. The new trailer is evidence of that as the color and pop from the first film seems to disappeared.
Each film from Iron Man 3 through Thor 2 and Captain America 2 are part of a story arc that will set up the events in Avengers 2 coming out next year. Marvel’s way of building up to Avengers 2 reflects the way that comic events are built up with multiple titles and issues feeding into one final story arc. The trailers for Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 reflect a very dark theme building up to the next Avengers film.
If we take Avengers as a Trilogy or a 3 story arc, then we can expect that Avengers 2 will end with a cliffhanger of some kind. One of our main heroes will be caught in some kind of cliffhanger disaster. If we take the first Avengers film, we might conclude that Iron Man will be the focus of said drama. With the next 4 film story arc ending in Avengers 3 where everything is resolved. Right now, the tone of the trailers for Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 definitely hint towards dark times and my guess, cliffhanger heaven in Avengers 2.
Beyond the speculation here, I am extremely excited about Thor, this was another family favorite and we still enjoy sitting down and watching the first film and Thor in Avengers. This looks to be another banner year for Marvel at the Movies.
You can still purchase Thor on Bluray via
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